Saturday, June 2, 2007

Labor was Hard but Worth It!

After 26 hours of labor and being more than a week overdue, Lisa finally gave birth to Sophie Grace Newman at 8 pm on Friday, June 1. She is a beautiful blue-eyed, brown-haired girl weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces and is 21.5 inches long. She is beautiful and well worth the wait! We just kept our eyes on the prize and we were rewarded big time!

It was an emotional roller coaster. We were supposed to go in at 6 am on Thursday, but the hospital was so full and Lisa was lower priority since she was being induced. The seemed to take forever, but finally Kaiser (our medical provider) called and said we could come in at 5:30 PM. It was finally here!

Lisa went on Pitocin and was on it all night. By 5 AM the next morning, she still hadn't progressed much and was only dilated to a 2 1/2 - that was depressing because we didn't see light at the end of the tunnel, had fears of a possible c-section, etc. Then, things started moving on Friday morning and we were excited but Lisa felt a lot of pain, until she got the the epidural - we love drugs! She started pushing around 7:40 and 20 minutes later, Sophie popped out. It was exciting that it was so quick, but because it was so quick, and since Sophie was big, Lisa was torn a lot (4th degree tearing). She will have a rough recovery and we will be in the hospital until Sunday night as a result.

We thank you so much for your thoughts, concern, prayers, and love. We have felt it in the events leading up to this moment. Thank you for supporting us as we face this new frontier and phase in our life!

Making myself comfortable while waiting the 27 hours for baby Sophie to arrive

Matt is practicing the "baby burrito wrap" on himself first

Proud papa!