Sunday, June 24, 2007

So Far So Good...

We had another great week. We didn't mention that Sophie went in for her two-week appointment and weighed 9 lbs. 14 oz. and grew an inch. This is good considering that babies typically lose about a pound after birth, so she essentially lost a pound but gained two back. Now, she is probably well over 10 lbs. and I start to feel that when I carry her in the car seat. I am going to have a massive shoulder muscle from carrying that thing. I can't figure out why they don't invent something better to carry her, maybe some sort of strap that hooks onto the car seat that you sling over your shoulder.

Speaking of inventions, we were watching "American Inventor" this week, and I saw that a guy stole my idea! It was the baby bidet! I was surprised that they didn't give the idea much air-time. The judges and/or producers of the show must not have changed many diapers, so they don't have an appreciation for the baby bidet.

We took Sophie to church today, which was great. We saw a lot of friends and felt really good after, and Sophie behaved quite well(mostly slept the whole time). Life is great!


Dave said...

Newman...once the bidet goes into production, let me know. I'll send in my order.