Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What an Invention!

Have any of you seen the Diaper Genie? It is a great invention! Why didn't I think of it? It is basically a covered garbage can for diapers (to keep the smell down), but it also has an innovative way of packaging the diapers. It is just a long tube of plastic. When you put another diaper in, you rotate it so it twists the bag and seals off the offending diaper. It is nice because the plastic is also scented so it keeps the odor down quite a bit. Sophie's poopies aren't very stinky right now, but I have already gained an appreciation for the Diaper Genie, and I am sure I will even more in six months when she starts eating solids and the poop gets really interesting.

I actually picked this one up for free through Lisa is always opposed to my scavenging ways, but successes like this add ammo to my cause. It is basically a Yahoo Group where you get emails of people in your area that are giving things away for free. You just go pick it up at their house. It is great!

Aunt Tesha came to visit all the way from Hawaii

Sophie loved the sling, but quickly outgrew it!

I didn't think Sophie ever really looked like a newborn. She is only 10 days old here, but looks like she is at least a month or two.

Looking a little mischevious!